Most Downloaded Articles |
Effectiveness of Positive Psychology Group Interventions on Meaning of Life and Life Satisfaction among Older Adults (6335 Downloads) |
Healthy Lifestyle Status among Non- Institutionalized Older People: A Literature Review (4704 Downloads) |
Prevalence, Risk Factors and Primary Prevention of Osteoarthritis in Asia: A Scoping Review (4644 Downloads) |
Aging Educational Program to Reduce Ageism: Intergenerational Approach (4577 Downloads) |
Loneliness and Its Related Factors among Elderly People in Yazd (4332 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Spiritual Well-Being and Quality Of Life among the Elderly People Residing in Zahedan City (South-East of Iran) (4188 Downloads) |
A Critical Review of Studies on Health Needs Assessment of Elderly in the World (4171 Downloads) |
Leisure Activities and Mental Health among Aging People in Tehran, Iran (3496 Downloads) |
Nutritional Status and Related Factors in Elderly Nursing Home Residents (3493 Downloads) |
The Association between Spiritual Health and Blood Sugar Control in Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (3382 Downloads) |
Parasitic Infections in Nursing Homes: a Permanent Threat for Elderly Health (3362 Downloads) |
Comparative Study of Balance Exercises (Frenkel) and Aerobic Exercises (Walking) on Improving Balance in the Elderly (3341 Downloads) |
The Psychological Determinants of Self-Medication among the Elderly: An Explanation Based on the Health Belief Model (3212 Downloads) |
Meaning of Life and Psychological Well-Being during Adult, Older Adult and Oldest Old (3201 Downloads) |
Mini Nutritional Assessment for Hospitalized Patients in King Khalid Hospital at Hail city in Saudi Arabia (3036 Downloads) |
Comparative Study of the Effect of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Static and Dynamic Balance in Elderly Males (2884 Downloads) |
Psychometric Properties of a Protection Motivation Theory-based Questionnaire to Assess Self-Medication in a Sample of Elderly Iranians (2857 Downloads) |
Status of Daily Living Activities among Older People in Maku (2792 Downloads) |
Admission to a Nursing Home: Viewpoints of Institutionalized Older People about Replacement (2742 Downloads) |
Lived Experiences of Elderly Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study (2712 Downloads) |
Dietary Behaviors of Elderly People Residing in Central Iran: A Preliminary Report of Yazd Health Study (2679 Downloads) |
Elderly Patients’ Satisfaction with Provided Services in Yazd Shahid Sadoughi Hospital (2580 Downloads) |
Self-Reported Oral Health and Quality of Life in the Elderly (2561 Downloads) |
Validity and Reliability of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Treatment Fatigue scale in a Persian-Speaking Aging Population (2556 Downloads) |
Elderly Community Dwelling Women's Experiences of Managing Strategies for Urinary Incontinence: A Qualitative Research (2466 Downloads) |
Relationship between Lifestyle and Quality of Life in Older Adults Yazd City, Iran (2426 Downloads) |
Prevalence of Eye Disorders in Elderly Population of Tehran, Iran (2225 Downloads) |
The Effect of Lower Limb Resistance Exercise with Elastic Band on Balance, Walking Speed, and Muscle Strength in Elderly Women (2206 Downloads) |
Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence among Elderly Women in Yazd, Iran: A Population-Based Study (2186 Downloads) |
Health Promoting Behaviors and General Health among the Elderly in Qazvin: A Cross Sectional Study (2167 Downloads) |
Relationship between Abuse Experience and General Health among Older Adults in Yazd City- Iran (2145 Downloads) |
The Prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease Preventive Behaviors in Elderly People, Yazd, Iran (2114 Downloads) |
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Self-Care Program Education Run by Health Volunteers and Health Care Staff on the Elderly's Quality of Life (2074 Downloads) |
Home Visit Services Provided for Elderly Dwellers in Isfahan Province: A Cross-Sectional Study (2047 Downloads) |
Self-Care Activities and Behavioral Intention toward Self-Care in Older Adults Suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis in Yazd, Iran (2020 Downloads) |
Narrative Group Therapy to Improve Aging Perceptions and Reduce Thanatophobia (Death Anxiety) in Older Adults (1976 Downloads) |
Attitude to, Knowledge and Practice of Skin Care in Older Adults in Sarakhs City, and Prevalence of Some Skin Problems among Them (1963 Downloads) |
Sleep Quality among Older Adults in Mehriz, Yazd Province, Iran (1889 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Social Support and Death Anxiety among the Elderly (1881 Downloads) |
Disability and Self-Care among Elders in Yazd (1879 Downloads) |
Factors Associated with Postmenopausal Women’s Decisions to Seek Treatment for Urinary Incontinence (1873 Downloads) |
Aging in Place within Elderly People in the Southwest Iran (1799 Downloads) |
Relationship of Physical Activity Facilitators and Body Mass Index in Kashan Elderly (1784 Downloads) |
The Effect of Resistance Training on Levels of Interlukine-6 and High-Sensitivity C - reactive protein in Older-Aged Women (1773 Downloads) |
The Study of Self-Assessed Health among Elderly Women in Shiraz and Yasuj Cities (1757 Downloads) |
Definitions and Theories of Elder Abuse (1747 Downloads) |
Quality Of Life among Elderly: The View from Appetite and Anthropometry Characteristic Perspective (1690 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Sleep Quality and Quality of Life of Retired Elders (1680 Downloads) |
Health and Socio-Economics of the Elderly (1665 Downloads) |
Socio-Demographic Determinants of Quality of Life among Older People, a Population-Based Study (1614 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 224571 |