Volume 5, Issue 2 (December 2019)                   Elderly Health Journal 2019, 5(2): 108-116 | Back to browse issues page

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Petchprapai N. Health Status and Health Patterns in Urban-rural Dwelling Elderly in Nakhonratchasima Province, Thailand. Elderly Health Journal 2019; 5 (2) :108-116
URL: http://ehj.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-150-en.html
Department of Adult and Elderly Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand , nutthita2004@hotmail.com
Abstract:   (2915 Views)
Introduction: As rapid urbanizing spreads throughout Thailand, the combination of urban-rural lifestyle has been gradually found. These changes may effect on health pattern of the older adults. This study was aimed to explore the incidence of health problems and life styles of the elderly in urban-rural areas.
Methods: A random interview survey with qualitative approach was used. Data were randomly collected from 14 areas in central sub-districts of Nakhonratchasima province, Thailand. Twenty-five older adults in each area were interviewed. The recording forms consisted of demographic data, perceived health status and health problems, medication use, activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, mental health, social and religious activities, and accommodation and environment. Non-invasive physical examinations of the elderly were performed by weighing, measuring height and testing muscle strength with one leg standing.
Results: Most of the elderly reported having at least one chronic disease and/or degenerative problems that had impact on their daily lives. Forty percent rated their health status as moderate to poor, 18% encountered falls while 18% were hospitalized in the past six months. Only one-third underwent an annual health checkup while 30% of the female had cancer cervix screening. Most of the elderly could perform daily tasks on their own with assistive instruments and were healthy in mind. However, many of them drank tap water without boiling or filtering.
Conclusion: The older adults in the urban-rural areas had access to health care services and had a good health status. However, their health promotion and prevention behaviors are questionable.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2019/03/14 | Accepted: 2019/09/14 | Published: 2019/12/29

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